I’m hanging on here. It feels like just barely. Last week I was all smiles and life was actually good, but now, today, it’s just the opposite. Nothing happened per say but there was a change. One I hoped wouldn’t find me this time. That I would be able to hold out just a little longer before things went south. I got a week, maybe ten days.

I’m tired of this. I’m tired of not knowing why my emotions are the way they are. I’m tired of the fluctuations and the unpredictability of my insides. There are times when it seems I’m holding it together and making a good go of it and I actually might be; at times things are better. Life is better – I derive some enjoyment out of the simple things. Then, there are times like now when I can’t figure out why I’m in the opposite lane of traffic with my foot pressed down firmly on the accelerator. Over the years I’ve gotten pretty good at faking it; making do until it kicks back up into feeling better again. But I just don’t wanna do it anymore. I’m not saying I am gonna kill myself. I’m really not. I might want to, I might think it sounds like a good idea; a way to stop the endless misery and suffering, but a personal experience early on in my life guaranteed that I would never do what committing suicide does to all those it reaches. Instead I’ll just wallow away in my own self-pity and depression, the emptiness, the tiredness, the loneliness, until I feel better.

I do have hope. Hope that one day I won’t have to think about things so much; that everything won’t hurt or be negative. I know that it will take some work and I’ve started that with my therapist and with group therapy. It’s like an endless night but every once in a while I get to see the sun. Unfortunately I’m not in a place where I can bask in its warm glow and take in the light with happiness and without fearing when the next downturn will be. But I do have hope. I feel that without hope I’d be totally lost, so there’s that.

For now I guess I’ll just have to be ok with things. I’ll trod on, knowing “one day” and “eventually”. I just wish it wasn’t so dark and cold inside.

It’s Been Awhile.

Indeed, it has been some time since I’ve written anything here. I have to admit, I didn’t go back and read all my posts but I scanned most, trying to bring myself up to speed on where I was when I left off.

Boy, I was all over the place. And, some things have changed. Sure, I still suffer from depression. I still take Latuda. I’m still Bi-polar. I still love my dogs. But in the interim I’ve added a few more diagnosis to my chart (which in turn starts my love of use for the parenthesis and the need to say I’ll have to change the title of my blog). I still think I’m funny too.

I have made some changes. I don’t suffer as much from the mania like I was. I do think that is partly because after fiddling with a few more mood stabilizers we may have found one that works. Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal would be the brand name). It’s been part of my cocktail (which at one point was 6 different meds and 10 pills a day) for almost two years now and I’m definitely not experiencing the same highs as I was before. There’s that; consider it a good thing I suppose.

I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder,BPD for short (I was also diagnosed with PTSD). I know it’s a serious disorder. I know there is no medication proved to be effective in treating BPD. I know that therapy is the real, true way I will work my way through this. I know it’s a scary diagnosis. How is one supposed to handle news like this with just a simple addition of your “conditions” added to your chart? I don’t remember the day but I do remember the feeling. I remember the depression that sunk in that very moment and the smile I wore to pretend that what I just heard wasn’t devastating me inside.

That was about a year ago and I’m still coming to grips with it. I spiraled down, deep. Hard. And fast. I blocked out everyone. The best of my very small group of friends, my family, people at my job (mostly everyone at my job). I’ve gotten to a point now where I’m so alone and I’ve isolated myself so much so that I won’t have to feel. Good or bad. If there’s no one in your life then you can’t have them mixing in with your own emotions and feelings. Which for me, I think I needed for a bit. To breakdown and hit a bottom of some kind. It might not be rock bottom and I may have other bottoms to hit. I still struggle daily with anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I struggled with those thoughts a lot. Suicidal ideation they call it. My “med nurse” as I call him (S) is pretty good at his job I think because he really hit a home run with a med that worked (Saphris). And quickly. And so well. For the first time in close to a year I’ve not thought about suicide at all for the past two days. That took some time and I’m sure one day I’ll think of it here soon but what some good days to be alive. I’m still pretty depressed and except the Latuda (which is for bi-polar depression, different from other forms of depression) don’t take an anti-depressant. I almost wish I could. I think it might help with this emptiness. The last time I was on one (Paxil), it sent me into a mania that lasted for a few months. During which time I was hospitalized for a few days after trying numerous medications (three to my recollection) to no avail and missed about 2 months of work.  For the moment now, I’m starting to come out of it.

I’ve started group therapy a few weeks ago and have been doing individual therapy for three years now. First with a psychiatrist and now (due to a change in insurance) a mental health professional and S. I’m finding out I like the latter arrangement better than the psychiatrist. Or at least I feel like I am getting better results. It got to a point with my psychiatrist where it felt like she wasn’t playing an active role in my betterment. The change was a welcomed one and I don’t regret it happening.

DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) is awesome. Or at least it shows the promise of being awesome. (I call her my therapist. Technically she’s a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker [LICSW]. We’ll call her M.) M and I have a good relationship. I’ve been seeing her for just about a year now and our rapport is great. She’s younger, more relatable to me in age which I am finding is kind of important as my last psychiatrist (Dr G for those paying attention) was in her mid 60’s. Different generations maybe. She isn’t afraid to relate some of her life experiences to mine but it’s the lesson she teaches in it, not to be empathetic or caring in an inappropriate way. She swears. Like a dude. Which c’mon; when your therapist throws as many F-bombs as you do (keep in mind the borderline, the bipolar, the depression and PTSD – those tend to fly around pretty casually when expressing your self [not yourself] or feelings to another) it’s pretty relatable. Anyways, M uses DBT as therapy for people with BPD. At first slowly introducing it in individual therapy to make sure it’s a good fit (I think?) and then eventually into a group setting, with a 6-month, once a week commitment on top of regular, individual therapy. After just a couple weeks of group and a few basic skills my days have been happier. More hopeful. Maybe even a little joyful. Days that is when I get out of the house. Usually it’s only days that I work (back down to 3 days a week now) or therapy. Which in a way adding another day to get out isn’t such a bad thing, especially considering the environment on one of those days. I actually like therapy. I look forward to it every week and to my individual appointments like never before. Like I said before, the whole joyful thing.

I look back, through the lens of this blog at how I was and just from what I would type it’s more clear to me now that the symptoms weren’t simply from being bi-polar (yeah, I defined myself by my disorder – it’s just easier that way sometimes) but from being a borderline (did it again!). Looking even farther back into my life, the symptoms were present from a pretty early age. I’ve never had a clear sense of self. I’ve always been prone to outbursts of rage (the kind where you actually see red and can’t stop your words or actions). I once scarred my one of my bosses at work so badly she was afraid to be alone with me and I was reprimanded for it. I’ve never been able to maintain a romantic relationship, or even friendships, very well. There are a few longtime friends but not many. Serious relationships lasted anywhere from a few months to 4 years. In retrospect the longer ones where just to have someone close, someone to call my own – even if that meant hating the very sight of them sometimes. My “cycling” was too fast. Literally I could (and can) go from one extreme to the next within minutes; faster than what you would expect from bi-polar but perfectly symptomatic of borderline. I used sex (for years) as a way to try and fill an empty place in my head and in my heart. It’s only now, with a little perspective, and maybe some maturity, that I’ve been able to see that; to understand how I both yearned for and despised the touch of someone else. I had to let them get close to me. It hurt. But I was doing it to myself in search of something I know now you cannot find that way. It’s been 5 years now into my pledge of not hurting myself in that way and I’m just now yearning for that closeness again. It feels different though. More real. More in touch. Soulful. Is it maturity? Is it one of my criteria for meeting BPD simply falling off? Does that indicate progress somewhere? Or maybe I’m just reverting to old ways because things are starting to get real and part of me doesn’t like it.

Kind of a weird way to end a post but this is where I’m at. I’m getting tired also. It feels great to have written again. And thanks to anyone who reads. It feels good knowing that out there maybe just one other person might relate. If only I knew how to tag these entries better. G’night.


Put a lid on it (oh and I kinda made a word up)

Sometimes I think anyone who reads any of this garbage might think I spew out the quickest thing that comes to my mind. I say that because I read back and sometimes that’s how I feel a lot of this sounds. But I do sit here, at my desk, with joint in hand and some good trance usually, and try to formulate some sort of intelligible thoughts about whatever it is I’m trying to say.

These past few days off have been kinda bad I’d say. Seemingly more depressed than before, whereas I though I was improving and feeling just a bit better even. I had a lot more hope, even just two weeks ago but since then it has slightly diminished.

Maybe I need to make it a point to see my psychiatrist more than I have been. We try for every week but in the very least it has been every other week. This is one of those every other weeks. Could it be I shouldn’t be skipping a week yet?

I suppose this could be my medication. As I have mentioned several times I’ve been taking Latuda for bipolar depression (I also take Depakote and a daily sedative, several times a day). Recent;y, the last two weeks or so, my psychiatrist upped the dosage and I’m gonna bet that has something to do with how I’m feeling.

While Latuda has been proven most effective in helping schizophrenia it has shown promising but not concrete results for what I’m using it for, but has of course been cleared by the FDA for those purposes. One of the side effects is somnolence while another is insomnia. Once I reach past the strong desire to sleep in the evening times, or even at times taking a nap after being awake for just several hours I’m awake. Not just awake a little extra but like zing pow pop zip zap awake can’t stop me choo choo I’m a train and I’m coming but it’s 3am what can I really do so I sit here in a state of just utter confusion emophispsychitally, not knowing what to do and then you get that other side effect akathisia so you can’t do anything that involves sitting there but it’s 5am at this point and your life sucks so you try to numb yourself to it all I guess and fall half asleep but I dunno if you ever do…wow, and listen to me ramble.

And it just sucks feeling so alone in all this. I know I’m not. That in fact millions of other people go through similar episodes like I do. But I don’t have a good support system I guess is what it would come down to. There’s no one I can call at 3 in the morning to just talk to. There isn’t anyone around I could bother to smoke a bowl with. I can’t really go anywhere cuz anywhere is so far away. It’s just depressing is all. And it doesn’t make anything easier. Duh. I never though that sort of stuff could add to my cycling, that external forces could really do that but I suppose they can.

Oh boy, what a can of worms I’ve opened for myself tonight.

Or would that make me sound crazy?

This drug. I think it’s this drug. I feel so blah. I feel so plain. I mean I ‘m not angry all the time. I feel a bit more relaxed, more like a normal person I suppose. But I don’t know if this is worth it. It’s Latuda by the way.

I guess I can say I do feel more leveled out but still way sedated. My psychiatrist has taken over my pill meds for this. My doctor will be relieved. It’s like I should have more to say but sometimes there isn’t much to say. In therapy I mean. Sometimes there are awkward pauses and silence that should be filled with those little thoughts that scream out in my head. Or those ideas I think of at 3am for some reason.

I could tell her (lets call her Dr G) that sometimes I don’t know what I’m feeling. Its not that I can’t interpret it; it’s that I just am void of feelings. That other times other peoples feelings on tv that aren’t even real make me cry. Or would that make me sound crazy?

Therapy with Dr G has been hard but not at the same time. She’s been easy to talk to and pretty open to what I am and who I am as a person. She’s seemed to listen to my past and discuss things with me without prejudice. But I can’t read her. Dr G doesn’t give many things off. She doesn’t say much. I wish she would say more. I wonder what she would do if I asked her to say more or tell me something she feels about me. Or would she see the crazy in me?

Then there is this drug. It’s made me feel better no doubt. Not totally better. I’m still depressed. But I’m less up and down or at least longer stretches of time between top and bottom. A cost of being lethargic might be the down side though. We’ll see.

I worked 70 in the past two week which is quite a bit. 30 hours last week and 41 this week (had to put the 1 in there) so I’m pretty exhausted. That could just be it. I have three days off coming up now. I do however have planned chores tomorrow and Monday so those day are pretty well gone. Anyways. That’s all for now I suppose.

Just Enough…

I can’t help but notice I feel like I have a ton of followers and it means a lot that ya’ll are out there just to listen or give advice or to chat with. Even if just through replies and comments. So thanks to all of you and I look forward to more crap. LOL.

Like tonight. Kinda. So Latuda. I can honestly say I feel a bit of a difference. A good one. It’s cool because my mania hasn’t skyrocketed like it did with Paxil. But I still had this breakdown. On several fronts. Overall, a good day. Started earlier than normal and pricier than normal (got firewood for this winter, then work, up 10AM – its 3.30AM now so) Beautiful outside, Nice people at work. I worked. I made what I worked for. Felt good about myself. Had a jam session on the way home. But then this one song comes on and there’s this line from it

Oh I’m scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don’t want to be the one
Left in there, left in there

to me that’s how it feels inside my head, The song is called Hope There’s Someone and there are two versions. I first found the electronic version done by Avicii. Then I found one done by Antony and the Johnsons. Not sure which is original or whatever but both are great and they just really get inside my head, They make sense. But they’re sad. So I cry. But am I depressed or is this just sadness because of an emotional song?!?! Oh the grief! I’ll share the links at the end.

It’s way early and a little later than I take my meds so there’s something there but I just feel left in there, as the song says. Through different dealing with my mental illness or disorder or whatever is PC cuz I really dont care( Icall myself crazy; my mom can’t stand it!) what it is but it’s a sickness and trying for help and then getting help but then this and that and insurance and patient fees and blah blah blah and I have to live and try to do this and work and keep it all together and I feel “Left if in there”?!? I just don’t know. I can feel this place in me, deep down inside where only I get to be and it’s cold and black and lonely there. I don’t like it and I want to change things. I dunno.

But I do know my hope hasn’t faded and I will always continue to take my medication and to make attempts to make medication changes and try different things and get into therapy and all that so that’s a good thing; something to hold onto if I need to I guess. Anyways, no bad side effects so far from the Latuda but it’s still just been over a week (Thursday).

One day I’ll look back and say, man those were a crazy few years but I got my stuff together . That’s my dream. Nothing major. Nothing awe inspiring. Nothing big. But enough with maybe a little extra. Not much. Just enough. That’s all for now I suppose.

Avivii version: http://youtu.be/u-UiJWm0LKk

Antony and the Johnsons Version (best one in my opion but its live): http://youtu.be/loNU4fVpO8E

Let’s get Happy!!!

Ok so I have struggled pretty bad the past few years with this underlying depression on top of the bipolar. So it’s like being in a constant mixed state and I hate it. I saw a commercial on TV for a drug for people who suffer from depression and are bipolar. It’s called Latuda. Or larasidone is the actual drug name. Anyways it kinda got me excited so I asked my doctor. She says ok, reluctantly because anytime I go on an antidepressant I go way manic. (That was my last trip to the fun place 😉 ) After having to “fight” with my insurance to cover it they did so all I have to pay is $35 instead of $950. Yay!

But back to the reason I’m writing this in the first place. I want to have place to record semi-daily how this drug effects me and what not.

Yesterday was actually day one and I didn’t really feel any different. Maybe a little more woobly in the head but I take klonipin so it coulda been that. But I didn’t have any side effects or bad reactions far as I could tell. I’ve taken drugs similar to it without problems so I’m not too worried anyway.

Today is day two and I didn’t feel any different throughout my day. Or now. In both aspects of my depression and my new pill tryout.

That’s all for now I suppose. I’ll try to keep this going a bit but we all know how a bipolar mind can function 🙂